dusted / 09 February

Award for Best Contingency Firm

financial search and selection

Mason Blake – Award for Best Contingency Recruitment Firm 2009

HITC Business asked it’s readers who the best contingency firm was and here are the results.

Here are the Top 15:

  1. Mason Blake
  2. Hudson
  3. Hays City
  4. Real Global Markets
  5. The Cornell Partnership
  6. Contact Recruitment
  7. Eames Consulting
  8. First Call Associates
  9. CER Financial
  10. Astbury Marsden
  11. Blayney Personnel
  12.  Circle Square Consulting
  13. Finance Professionals
  14. Brookleigh Search & Selection
  15. Citifocus

At Mason Blake we pride ourselves on being among the first firms clients call when looking for high calibre candidates. We are proud of the added-value we provide to both clients and candidates, and would like to thank all those who voted for us and enabled us to top the poll.

HITC Business

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