23 December 2024
Product Strategist [FTC]
Our client is a global asset management firm with an excellent reputation in the institutional market. This is an ideal opportunity for a Product Strategist looking to leverage their expertise in a market-leading team on a temporary basis. The role offers excellent benefits with personal and professional development opportunities. Key responsibilities: Determine the positioning […]
- #assetmanagement
- #investmentmanagementassistant
- aca
- Academies
- acca
- account assistant
- account manager
- accountant
- acd
- admin
- administration
- Administrator
- advertising
- Africa
- aifm
- aifm reporting
- aifmd
- Alternatives
- alts
- aml
- analyst
- aov
- Asset Management
- asset manager
- asset mangagement
- asset raising
- asset servicing
- assistant
- Associate
- associate director
- audit
- backoffice
- bd
- benchmark
- Blogs
- bloomberg
- board pack
- boutique
- brand marketing
- business analysis
- Business Development
- Business Development Manger
- Business Manager
- buyside
- c-suite
- CA
- caia
- campaign marketing
- Capital Activity
- capital raising
- ceo
- cfa
- cfa esg
- change
- change management
- Channel Marketing
- Channel Marketing Manage
- charities
- charity
- chartered accountant
- chartered acountant
- chief of staff
- chief operating officer
- chinese equities
- cima
- cisi
- Clearing
- client
- client administrator
- client analyst
- Client Director
- client engagement
- client management
- Client Manager
- Client Onboarding
- Client Operations
- Client Portfolio Manager
- client relations
- client relationship
- client relationship management
- Client Reporting
- Client Service
- client service manager
- Client Services
- client transitions
- clo
- coding
- comms
- communications
- competitor analysis
- Complaints
- compliance
- compliance guideline monitoring
- compliance monitoring
- conference maanagement
- conference management
- consultant
- consultant database
- consultant relations
- consulting
- content
- content manager
- content marketing
- content strategy
- content writer
- contract
- Controls
- coo
- corporate actions
- Corporate communications
- corporate development
- corporate events
- corporate startegy
- corporate strategy
- Counterparty
- counterparty onboarding
- credit
- credit analysis
- credit analyst
- credit reseach
- Credit research
- credit research analyst
- cross border
- custodians
- cvent
- DACH region
- Data Analysis
- data analyst
- data analytics
- data vendor
- database analyst
- dcm
- dealcloud
- dealing
- debt
- Derivatives
- designer
- digital
- Digital Marketing
- digital marketing manager
- direct
- direct lending
- director
- distressed
- Distri
- Distribition
- dividend
- documentation
- due diligence
- eet
- eltif
- email marketing
- Emerging Markets
- emt
- emts
- equities
- equity
- Equity Analyst
- equity long short
- Equity research
- ESG Analyst
- esg implementation
- esg strategy
- etc
- etd
- ETFs
- etp
- European
- european languages
- European Marketing
- events
- events coordinator
- Events Executive
- events manager
- eventsforce
- excel
- Exchange Traded Funds
- executive
- external communications
- fact sheet
- factsheet
- factsheets
- family offfice
- family office
- fca
- fcca
- filings
- financial accountant
- Financial Institutions
- financial modelling
- financial planning
- financial reporting
- financial services
- financial statements
- fintech
- Fixed Income
- frenc
- French
- front office
- frs 102
- ftc
- fund
- fund accountant
- Fund Accounting
- fund administrator
- fund documentation
- Fund Governance
- fund lawyer
- Fund Managers Assistant
- fund of funds
- fund operations
- Fund Oversight
- fund reporting
- fundraising
- funds
- funds lawyer
- FX
- gaap
- german
- global
- global equities
- global equity
- global macro
- graduate
- Graduate Recruitment Consultant
- Graphic Designer
- guideline
- guideline monitoring
- Head of
- Head of Marketing
- Head of Middle Office
- Head of RFP
- hedge fund
- Hedge Funds
- high yield
- high yield bonds
- hnw
- hnwi
- hy
- icaew
- icas
- icav
- ifrs
- immediate
- index
- index funds
- information risk
- Infrastructure
- insights
- Institutional
- institutional sales
- insurance
- insurance sales
- insurance sales support
- intermediary
- Internal Communications
- Investment
- Investment Administrator
- investment assistant
- investment compliance
- Investment Director
- investment management
- investment manager
- Investment Managers Assistant
- investment operations
- Investment Oversight
- Investment Performance
- Investment Risk
- Investment Specialist
- investment support
- investment trust
- Investment Writer
- investment writing
- investments
- Investor Relations
- investor relations associate
- investor relations support
- Investor services
- ir
- ireland
- italian
- Junior
- kid
- kids
- kiid
- kiids
- KVGs
- kyc
- l/s
- L&D
- languages
- latam
- legal
- level 6
- leveraged finance
- london
- long short
- ltaf
- Lux
- lux funds
- lux gaap
- luxembourg
- m&a
- macro
- mailings
- Management
- Management Consultant
- manager
- manager research
- manco
- market data
- market intelligence
- market research
- Marketing
- marketing associate
- marketing automation
- Marketing Campaigns
- marketing change
- marketing communications
- marketing content
- Marketing coordinator
- marketing executive
- marketing intelligence
- Marketing Manager
- marketing materials
- marketing presentations
- marketing production
- marketo
- Media Relations
- middle east
- middle east sales
- middle office
- mifid
- Milan
- morningstar
- Motion Designer
- Multi Asset
- multi manager
- nav
- net zero
- Netherlands
- new york
- Nordics
- odd
- oeics
- on boarding
- Onboarding
- operational due diligence
- operational risk
- Operations
- otc
- otc derivatives
- outreach
- Oversight
- paralegal
- passive
- pension fund
- peoplemanager
- performance
- Performance & Risk
- Performance Analysis
- performance analyst
- performance and risk
- performance attribution
- Performance Manager
- permanent
- placement agency
- placement agent
- planning
- platform
- portfolio analyst
- portfolio implementation
- portfolio monitoring
- Power BI
- PR
- PR Manager
- preqin
- presentation
- presentation specialist
- Presentations
- presentations manager
- pricing
- priip
- priips
- private assets
- private capital
- private clients
- private credit
- private debt
- private equitty
- private equity
- Private Markets
- private wealth
- Product
- product analyst
- Product Development
- Product Development Manager
- product executive
- Product Governance
- Product Management
- Product Management Associate
- Product Manager
- Product Manger
- Product Marketing
- Product Specialist
- product startegy
- Product Strategy
- product structuring
- program manager
- programme manager
- project
- project management
- Project Manager
- projects
- property
- proposal
- Proposal Writer
- proposals
- Propositions
- prospectus
- prospectuses
- proxy
- Public relations
- Python
- qualified
- qualified accountant
- Quantitative
- real assets
- Real Estate
- real estate debt
- Reconciliations
- recruitment
- Recruitment Consultant
- registrations
- regulations
- regulatory
- regulatory compliance
- regulatory documents
- relationship analyst
- Relationship Management
- relationship manager
- remote
- report
- reporting
- reports
- request for proposal
- research
- researcher
- Responsible Investing
- Retail
- Retail Marketing
- rfp and marketing
- rfp associate
- RFP manager
- RFP Writer
- rfps
- Risk
- risk management
- Risk Reporting
- roadshow
- Sales
- sales associate
- sales director
- sales executive
- sales manager
- Sales MENA
- sales operations
- Sales Support
- Sales Support Manager
- Salesforce
- sdr
- segregated
- seismic
- senio
- senior
- Senior analyst
- Senior Client Services
- Senior Manager
- Senior Marketing
- senior marketing associate
- senior marketing executive
- Senior marketing manager
- senior product manager
- Senior Recruitment Consultant
- senior rfp
- Senior RFP Writer
- series 63
- series 7
- Settlements
- sfdr
- sme
- Social media
- social media marketing
- solicitor
- spanish
- special situations
- special situtions
- spv
- sql
- stakeholder management
- statpro
- Stewardship
- strategic marketing
- strategy
- sub-advisory
- sun
- support
- surveillance
- sustainability
- Sustainable investing
- system mangement
- Talent Development
- taxonomy
- tcfd
- temporary
- Third party
- thought leadership
- Trade
- trade compliance
- Trade Support
- trade surveillance
- Trader
- trainee investment manager
- Transactions
- Transactions Manager
- Transitions
- uhnwi
- UK
- UK Equity
- UK Funds
- uk gaap
- UK Marketing
- us
- usa
- vendor management
- venture capital
- voting
- Voting & Engagement Analyst
- vp
- wealth
- Wealth Management
- Web Content
- wholesale
- Writer
- yardi